Be More — The Jacintha Series

Lost. Bewildered.
Numbed and then
The light..
Unfollow it said
The old traditions
The frightening narratives
The shouting
The snares
The poisonous barbs
The expectations
The compulsions
The rituals
The media
The medium
The many arrows
The new forces
The voices
The urges
The scream that says
Be the one, the number one.
Unfollow I did
The outside
The race
The jostling
The crowd
The bull
The bear
Unfollowed and I found
I am the one
The number one.
No need to follow
No followers needed
Just the one
The only one
The race was mine
The pace was fine
The space my universe
It’s citizen just me.
The race,the space, the pace
Just mine.
The win was in the race
Staying, Leading,
Being me.
Things I would tell myself when I was younger, setting off on discovering life and building a career for me, would be just this. I would tell myself the following things and follow it through too. And I so wish, when I was in my twenties someone told me to unfollow and I so wish I had listened too. This is for all the young women who are on that cusp of life, ready to soar.
A few principles to know and live by, as a happy person , feeling successful and knowing happiness. It’s not just about life and career, or work and life, or about balance and the lack of it, it is really about being you.
So here are five principles that I will swear by.
Follow and you will fit in,
Unfollow to stand out.
2. Follow and you are a crowd
Unfollow to stay unique
3. Follow to chase
Someone else’s dream.
Unfollow and reach
Your own destination
4. Follow to be accepted
Unfollow to strike it new
5 Follow to remain a shadow
Unfollow to be alive
The questions when one is young are many and answers are never easy, but they are to be discovered and savored. Some bitter, some fun, some happy and some sad. But as you set out on your life remember unfollow and be
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